Shape Battle Wiki

This is a poll of popularity stating the most popular and liked characters in the show. One of the contestants up for elimination (Strawberry, Tokey, Cracker, Brown Rectangle, Orange Rectangle, Bottle Cap, Round Square) Oh and see a page based in this voting : Shape Battle Voting Tournament made by Vv cephei a's biggest fan


Let's see who won the prize.

Grey Hexagon and Orange Rectangle, you got 1 like each, so you don't win the 1st prize.

Grey Hexagon: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

Orange Rectangle: Aw...

Red Circle, you, got 2 likes, so you don't win the 1st prize.


So, it's down to everyone else, one person got 5 likes and the rest got 4 likes, the 1st prize winner is..................................................................................TOKEY!

Tokey: YAY!

Red Circle: WHAT?! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tokey: STFU!

Tokey, press the button to spin the wheel.

  • Tokey press the button
  • The wheel land on "Automatically get more likes and less dislikes than Red Circle everytime"

Tokey: YES! >:D

Red Circle: WHAT?! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tokey: You already said that, shut up.

Now for the dislikes.

Pizza and Blueberry/Yoyleberry, you are safe at 1 dislike each.

Pizza: YES!

Everyone else except Red Circle, Grey Hexagon and Orange Rectangle are all safe with 2 dislikes.

So, it's down to Red Circle, Grey Hexagon and Orange Rectangle, two of you will be eliminated with 5 dislikes, and one of you will be safe at 4 dislikes.

The last person safe is............................RED CIRCLE!

Red Circle: YES!

Grey Hexagon and Orange Rectangle: WHAT?!

Grey Hexagon and Orange Rectangle, good bye.

  • The person tosser fling Grey Hexagon and Orange Rectangle to the BOW

Time for ROund 2.


Elimination Table[]

Rank Contestants R1 R2 R3
Blueberry/Yoyleberry HIGH
Bottle Cap IN
Brown Rectangle IN
Cracker IN
Gold Square IN
Green Ball IN
Green Pentagon IN
Indigo Triangle IN
Orange Pentagon IN
Pizza IN
Plum IN
Red Circle RISK
Round Square IN
Strawberry IN
Tokey IN(+)
17th/16th Orange Rectangle ELIM
17th/16th Grey Hexagon ELIM

Voting ends in 10/09/2015. (October 9th 2015)
